Liberal Democrat Councillor for Banchory & Mid Deeside Learn more
by Karen Clark on 11 July, 2013
I welcome the recent move to scrap the Right to Buy in Scotland. In Aberdeenshire, for the last 12 years right to buy sales, as introduced in 1980, have been reducing and have fallen over that period from a high level 350 house sales per year to 35 per year. Pressure on the reducing number of Council houses available, accompanied by high levels of homelessness and high private sector house prices – for sale and rent – have meant that the majority of lets have been to those with top priority for housing – homeless or with severe health issues.
The waiting list for housing has grown continuously over the past 12 years with over 8,000 people/families currently on the growing waiting list. With only 1250 lets per year, many applicants are unlikely to be housed. The reduction in public sector funding along with difficulties in people accessing mortgage finance contribute to growing demand for social rented and affordable housing. Aberdeenshire Council is currently consulting on proposals to confirm and extend pressured area designation of its housing stock; currently just under 13,000 houses.
As Chair of Social Work and Housing I believe the decision to end the right to buy will help clarify the present situation where many tenants do not have the right to buy, where some have access to the modernised right to buy and others have a preserved right to buy.
It makes sense that we will now be able to plan for the future by ensuring that the remaining housing stock will be available to meet ongoing demand for social rented housing – a key requirement for any healthy economy and a critical resource to ensuring the health and well being of communities across the Shire.
Over the past few years Aberdeenshire Council and its partners have been building houses for rent, along with maximising the number of low cost options for sale through developers. The Council has built over 150 across Aberdeenshire with another 150 in the pipeline and more planned. There will be continuing opportunities for those tenants who wish to buy through the Council’s affordable housing policy. The Council’s Housing Options teams, located across Aberdeenshire will help and advise on the opportunites available.
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