Liberal Democrat Councillor for Banchory & Mid Deeside Learn more
by Karen Clark on 10 September, 2015
I am pleased that Aberdeenshire Council is committed to easing the plight of refugees seeking protection from persecution
Jim Savege our chief executive has said that we will do all we can to assist and play our part. I know from many people locally there is a huge amount of compassion being shown to the Syrian refugees and our churches in particular are doing what they can to offer care and support.
Whilst Aberdeenshire Council has so far not been directly involved in supporting those caught up in the humanitarian crisis, it is sympathetic and has been working with national Government to see how it can assist.
It was recently represented at the UK Government’s Refugee Summit by Cosla, the unbrella body for all Scottish councils.
Although a small number of Syrian refugees have already been resettled in Scotland, councils are in discussions with the Home Office about accepting more.
“Over the last week, we have received a great deal of interest from members of our communities asking us what support we are able to provide, and how they can support the wider humanitarian crisis,” said Aberdeenshire Council Chief Executive, Jim Savege.
“Officers from the council are speaking to colleagues in other agencies to consider a range of support including housing, education, and health. Our local response would involve working closely with our community planning partners, to ensure a co-ordinated response and provide all the necessary support for the refugees.
“Scottish councils recognise the right of all people to seek protection from persecution and stand ready to play our part in alleviating this humanitarian crisis.
“We would urge any Aberdeenshire residents who wish to support the humanitarian crisis to do so through international charities like The British Red Cross which is experienced in international aid and crisis support.”
As the Liberal Democrat Group leader I have said I will do all I can to support the council at this time and indeed I hope there is cross party consensus behind this effort.
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