Karen Clark

Liberal Democrat Councillor for Banchory & Mid Deeside Learn more

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Banchory Brand and Murals Launch

by Karen Clark on 14 October, 2014

What a fantastic launch we had last Friday for the new Banchory murals and brand. Scott Skinner Square was alive with the sound of the superb fiddle playing of Paul Anderson.
Six new murals are now in the centre of the town and were unveiled to the public. They will be quite a talking point. The new Banchory brand has also been launched. The artistic duo DUFI composed of Fin Macrae and ALister MacInnes have done a great job leading the project with support form five other artists. I think these vibrant murals will create a talking point in the town and alongside its new brand identity this will put Banchory on the map. They have both worked incredibly hard to engage the whole community and they’ve certainly stimulated debate about Banchory’s core values and what the town means to local people and visitors alike.

This has been a great example of Aberdeenshire Council, our businesses and the community working together in partnership and focusing on the regeneration of Scott Skinner Square for the benefit of the wider town.

There’s been a real buzz about the project from the start and I am sure that DUFI’s creative efforts will encourage more people to come here and enjoy our shops, cafes, green spaces and friendly atmosphere’.

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