Karen Clark

Liberal Democrat Councillor for Banchory & Mid Deeside Learn more

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Community the winner as Council revisits Registration Services plan

by Karen Clark on 24 June, 2014

There is good news for the Banchory and Mid Deeside community following the council’s consideration of the responses to the recent consultation on Registration Services across the Shire.

In the light of the responses, the council has listened to the voice of residents in the local area and have said they will retain a Deeside office which will see office facilities retained in dual locations at Banchory and Aboyne with staff based in Banchory and appointments offered on a part-time basis in Aboyne. The staffing complement has been increased from one Registrar and one Assistant to one Registrar and two Assistants to resource this arrangement. The offices will now operate on a ‘By Appointment’  basis for the registration of births, deaths and marriages.

I have told the local paper the Deeside Piper that:   ‘ I am delighted that the council has carefully considered the responses from the consultation and most importantly, listened to the views of local councillors and the community. It is the right decision to reconsider the original proposals and to retain a Deeside office with facilities retained in dual locations at Banchory and Aboyne. It means our local residents will continue to have local access to registration services. I am also pleased that the staffing team has been increased and our excellent employees will continue to provide a professional and valued service’.


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