Karen Clark

Liberal Democrat Councillor for Banchory & Mid Deeside Learn more

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Drop in To Community Open day for new pool and leisure project

by Karen Clark on 1 December, 2013

Banchory & Mid Deeside Councillor Karen Clark has welcomed the news that a special community event is being held  this week to allow local people to view the draft plans for the new Banchory pool and sports centre.

Cllr Clark says: ‘We have had tremendous feedback to the council over the summer with 1,077 responses to the consultation. Our council officers worked hard visiting such events as the Farmers Market and Banchory Show to gather opinions on what people want to see in the new facility.

We had a well attended stakeholders meeting on Tuesday 19th November where representatives from community and sporting groups had a presentation on the consultation feedback and were shown outline drawings of what options there could be for using the different spaces and rooms within the new sports centre’.

Cllr Clark added; This is very much a ‘hands on’ event this Wednesday and I would encourage as many people to come along as possible. This is one of the most exciting opportunities we have had in Banchory and we need to make sure that the facilities are in tune with our population and their needs into the future’.

The drop-in event will be held from 3-8pm on Wednesday 4th December at the Hill of Banchory Community Learning and Development Activity Rooms which is the green building right next to the Hill of Banchory primary school.

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